02 September, 2011

produktiv und produktiv und produktiv und produktiv und

Today marks Day 2 of what hopes to be a month of great musical progress. I spent the majority of my morning as a chambermaid, but now I sit at my desk, dedicating thoughts and body to writing. I'm thinking particularly of a new tune that entered my consciousness during my shower earlier. I'm excited of the origin of this song, as I have had a few enduring melodies come from either 1) dreamworld or 2) showerland. Anyway, I'll be working hard this month to create some beautiful projects with some incredible people, so *kit*! [aka - Keep In Touch] [[as in - Also Known As]]

check dees out: Local artist Judith Gammons will be providing much of the artwork for our upcoming Sea Legs EP and singles. Go to her tumblr here: http://gammaraise.tumblr.com/

Also, come come to Intuition on September 22nd at 6pm to see a special duet performance by me and cellist Naarah Strokosch.  Lovely times with friends, beer and music await us. For now - To Work!

<3 Robin